Sunday, 4 December 2011

For Tre

On November 29, 2011, there was a special celebration of Tre's life.

Many memories were shared that day, when Tre, the beautiful, brown, half collie, half lab member of the Jones/Hucker family passed away.  Although there were many tears, Tyler, Matthew, Danny, and I shared some laughs as we reminisced Tre's character.  Matthew shared a sweet story about the day him and Louise picked up Tre, the puppy, over 10 years ago.  I told the group how Tre would bark anytime she spotted Tyler and I sneak a kiss.  She made it quite clear that I was crossing the line.  Sorry 'bout that Tre.

Louise and Bill were also a big part of the day; as they called from Florida to update us all on Tre`s condition, and to share their Tre love.  I can`t imagine how terribly difficult it must have been to hear the news from out of town.  Hopefully Lou-lou and Bill can find comfort in knowing that our goodbyes to Tre were filled with kisses, skritches, and the biggest of hugs.  We love you so much Tre.

Carrie was a part of Tre's life celebration as well.  I shared a few stories with Carrie and she shared this with me:

A Dog's Purpose-  after losing their dog, a six year old boy overheard his family wondering why dogs' lives are so short.  The 6 yr old piped in and said he knew exactly why dogs didn't live longer. He said, "People are born so that they can learn how to live a good life — like loving everybody all the time and being nice, right?" He continued, "Well, dogs already know how to do that, so they don’t have to stay as long."

Live simply.
Love generously.
Care deeply. 
Speak kindly.

If Tre was the teacher you would learn things like:

~When loved ones come home, always run to greet them.

~Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure Ecstasy.

~Take naps.

~Stretch before rising.

~Run, romp, and play daily.

~Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.

~When you’re happy, dance around and wag your entire body.

~Be loyal.

~Never pretend to be something you’re not.

~When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by, and nuzzle them gently.

                                                              Thank you Carrie. 

Tre was the best, and she brought out the best in all her favourite people.
We love you pretty girl.

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Girls, Goals and Goblins

Girls:  Last weekend I spent the weekend with my girl Carrie and some of her girls too.  It was nice.  Especially spending time with my lil' pixie.  Carrie cut her hair super short with a stylish wave and, of course, she looked great.  I like how liberal she is with her hair - blondie, brunette, half and half, long, medium, short...she does it all!  Her spunk is quite admirable.  Truth is, I would have preferred some more alone time with Carrie - especially since we're on a 'once a year' visit these days. 
I thoroughly enjoyed meeting Leah's mom and aunt.  It's great to meet confident Canadian middle aged women with accents and a tongue for the liquor. Keeping up with Joan, glass for glass of wine, would be a lethal challenge. 

Goals:  I haven't set foot on the treadmill for over a week, and it's starting to get to me mentally.  Tomorrow, I begin a new plan, one that I can stick to, and is guilt free when I don't.  When I got back from Toronto I experienced a horrible night of chills.  That night, I promised myself to take care of my body for the insides, and not focus so much on the outside.  So eating right and taking vitamins is a must. I know it's not New Year's Eve or anything, but I'm experiencing that same urge for change, commitment, goal setting and celebration.  Bring it on!

Goblins:  Halloween is right around the corner!  I'm very excited about carving a pumpkin with Tyler and maybe even driving out into the county to get one.  Those are my favourite kinds of days...cozy, cool and cuddly with my Nausser away for the day.  Who knows, maybe a costume is in the works as well. The Latest kitty "treat" is one of my favourite Halloween songs - check it out!

Sunday, 16 October 2011

You Only Live Twice

Latest Kitty "treat":  You Only Live Twice - Nancy Sinatra (James Bond Soundtrack)

Monday, 10 October 2011

A moment of Thanksgiving

Being appreciative... reflecting... remembering, and boldly looking foward - Yup, this weekend had it all.  I refuse to list every one or every thing I`m thankful for because, truly, when would this list ever feel complete? -I'm so damn lucky. Instead, here are the top seven 'Thanksgiving Weekend Highlights', in no particular order:

1)  Monday. Rejuvenation Monday, with my incredible husband.  (ok - this is number one)  "Helloooo... is it meeee you`re looking for?"
2)  Ordering "2 hard boiled eggs"  ; ) and watching Milly perform magic tricks in Kona Grill.
3)  The boat - specifically, sitting on the back of it with Mill-Lou, - ending another great summer of boating.
4)  The Peche Island fox, Eddie the dog, all kitties, and the Detroit Lions.
5)  Talking with mom on the rocks, and witnessing my dad in a box hat with beer glasses - what a sport.
6)  The dress and shoes - why was this experience so easy?
7)  Chatting with Carrie - (T.O. in less than 2 weeks!)

Well  - Like many other holidays, this one proved to be... intoxicating.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Keep your ears perked for a new 'kitty treat' sometime this week...

Monday, 26 September 2011

CK will be in TO for some GTs

Well it's official, my ticket is booked.   I'm heading to Toronto to see my best girlfriend in the whole world. :)  That's right - Carrie is coming to Ontario again! We're meeting for two nights (Oct. 21-23) I just hope we don't get all teary eyed and make everyone else around us feel a little strange - it happens, but we're working on our composure.

I have fond memories of driving up to Toronto with Carrie (when she lived in Windsor).  We'd sing a bunch of songs at the top of our lungs, including one of our favourites "The Charging sky" (which is this week's kitty treat - to the right). 

Carrie wrote me a sweet message months ago, and it still sits above my desk.  It reads "You know I think so often about you and how much I love you and how much you've inspired my life.  I think about the amazing experiences I've had WITH you...but then I realize that YOU are the amazing experience."   I swear she must have gotten that from someone else and recycled the positive message, because Carrie is  an experience like no other.  Even though we'll only have two days together in Toronto,  the days will be loaded with laughs and memorable moments - I can count on that, 'cause that's just how Carrie rolls.

Well, I'm looking forward to the gluten-free diet and GTs. 
Cheers - to friends who are simply irreplaceable.

Latest "Treat" - The Charging Sky, by Jenny Lewis

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

People do Amazing Things!

Wow! I suggest watching this clip...unbelievable!  And it just happpened this past May, 2011.

When I see people test the limits of their dreams, and conquer the impossible - it's humbling, especially when nature's beauty is part of it- just to think of what we're capable of... very inspiring.

Monday, 19 September 2011

Rain Rain...Please Stay

I love cozy, rainy days - and today was just that!  Stompin' around Walkerville under my bright yellow umbrella is the nicest way to stroll home after work (after getting out of the car).

Tomorrow is my first hip-hop class at Xtreme DanceWorks!  I'm very excited - and although I'm joining 3 weeks late, I have total confidence that I'll catch up with the rest of 'em.  I'm reminded of my high school years, when I'd choreograph fashion shows, plays, and other special events. When it all started in grade nine, I'd watch music videos closely and memorize the routines, then teach it to the OAC's. hehe - Well, it's time to get the sneakers on and kick it again.

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Football Sunday

Hello, and welcome to my Kitty Log (in).  Well, I did it.  A new blog is born.  Frankly, this experience is intimidating.  Not only am I congested with writer's block, but I can't decide what this space should be used for.  Is it my journal? a thought tracker? or can this simply be a fun place to post quotes and pictures? My best girlfriend Carrie inspired me to start blogging.  She's a natural.  I have much to learn from my lil' Calgarian duplicant.

Well, there's no progress in doubting - Let's jump right in...


My Latest "Treat" - Golden Age, The Asteroids Galaxy Tour